What if you’re already good?

What if you weren’t stressed and worn out all the time? What if you didn’t feel guilty for resting? That nagging feeling that you’re not good enough; productive enough; smart, attractive, or talented enough…what if that feeling could stand down for a minute, so you could see this truth with clear eyes:

You’re already good.

Perfectionism isn’t just a cute word for high standards—it’s an insidious problem, and it affects just about everyone. Already Good offers courses, individual coaching, community talk groups, and free resources in the fight against perfectionism. Learn more below.

Content and coaching by Summer Myers, MFT ATR
Coach • Therapist • Imperfectologist

Let’s do this:


Work directly with Summer for individualized instruction and support for anti-perfectionism, confidence, creativity, and joy.

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Anti-Perfectionism Bootcamp

Enroll in the foundational course for Already Good. Take it stand-alone, or access it free with a coaching package.

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Whether you’re doing coaching or just the course, you’re invited to our weekly facilitated talk group on Thursday evenings. There’s nothing like other people who get it.

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We believe that…

  • Humans are born wanting to be good.

  • Human psychology and modern life collude to keep us striving for perfection.

  • Perfection is a dangerous myth that contributes to burnout, stress, chronic guilt, anxiety, depression, insomnia, self-hatred, poor boundaries, dysfunctional relationships, and suffering.

  • It is our responsibility to share our expertise, skills, knowledge, and human presence to relieve suffering where we can.

  • Healing happens with other people and unconditional positive regard.

  • True healing feels like coming home to yourself. The aim of coaching, facilitating, and education should never be “transformation,” because…

  • You’re already good.

The Already Good Philosophy

Hear it from clients…